Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Stepping Out of the Box and up into the sky...

Straight down the line

She wondered if it would be easier to go the normal way and just take the 376 stairs to the top. She really wanted to hop right down the middle, stepping on the plants and decorative stones as she went. It reminded her of Greece, this tiny little walkway in Hollywood, California. So quaint, yet so descriptive, it seems to tell a story all by itself. How many stray cats wandered along the tops of the big brown picket fence? How many birds made soft nests in the canopy trees above? How many young children chased each other up these steps? The small neighborhood back-way was mysterious and beautiful...



      to a place and time

         where it matters not

            what background you come from

               or what you look like...

                  only if you can reach the top.

Places have a way of affecting the way that we see things. 
Sometimes a place can make us create stories about it............
Weaving our own ideas and images into its history.
Maybe it happened, and maybe it didn't...
But it happened somewhere...even if that somewhere was just in your mind.
Her story is forming as you are reading this...

Steps are reflective...When there are many, it takes time to get to the top, and once you get there, you have reached a conclusion. You either succeeded in climbing them, or you didn't. Sometimes the answer to success isn't always in completion....

But rather in how you attempted to make the climb.